Cloud Services: Are you leveraging the cloud?
Having all your technology on-site has become a liability. With properly managed cloud infrastructure your business will be lean and productive no matter where your employees or customers are in the world. In fact a secure cloud service comes with less risk than an un-managed on-site infrastructure. We’ll migrate, secure, and train your employees on leveraging the cloud. (Microsoft/Office 365, G-Suite, Phone/VOIP, Document Management, Line of Business Applications)
Online Security: Layered Protection from Ransomware, Viruses, & Malware
It used to be malware were made to cause disruption just for the sake of it, but that's changed with ransomware. Hackers are treating malware infections like a business. Their goal is to get money from you or from your data, so they are using social engineering with emails and phishing sites aimed specifically for YOUR business.
In 2015 alone more than 317 million pieces of malware were created. This number along with the amount of information to sift through, will just continue to grow.
To combat these threats Technology Porter offers a layered approach to security, because Anti-virus alone isn't enough.
Network Stability
Nowadays every person can have multiple devices: desktops, laptops, cell phones, or tablets. Meaning we now have more devices on low quality Wi-Fi routers, and that inevitably leads to poor performance. Without quality connectivity to the Internet your business grinds to a halt.
What if your network just worked? With a network installed by Technology Porter spend less time interrupting business, and more time servicing your customers.
Employee Productivity: Tackling OS, System, or Application issues
Without a dedicated IT staff dealing with periodic system errors, user requests, or rebooting systems is a tremendous strain on productivity. Dealing with any IT task no matter how small can keep you or your employees from servicing your customers. In fact studies show if a person is interrupted for an unrelated task, it takes them on average 23 minutes and 15 seconds to get back to their previous task.
Let Technology Porter take on the burden of IT.